This is a couple comments that I made in reply to a recent video posted by Howdie Mickoski. I am not trying to criticize Mr. Mickoski or single him out, but I feel it necessary to question some common assertions that pop up in the alternate history and conspiracy “communities”, which have seemed to have reached a consensus through nothing but continued repetition. The world is a massive place and the machinations of civilization are possibly incomprehensibly complex. Singular explanations are almost never going to be accurate for most events.
First of all, here’s Howdie’s video:
And here is the video he directs others to watch, it has apparently been floating around for quite some time on the Internet and was an 1968 episode of the BBC show “Thirty-Minute Theater”. It is somewhat worth noting that Donald Pleasence is fresh off his role as Bond arch-villain Blofeld, which is either a wink-wink or a case of type-casting:
(For those who don’t watch to watch the whole thing, basically it’s saying that all of the news is produced and promotes that the upcoming Moon mission will be staged. Also nuclear weapons, satellites, intercontinental ballistic missiles, etc are all fake, which are pretty common Internet assertions these days.)
Looking at the comments on Howdie’s video, I’m unsurprised what the popular answer is, that it’s all part of the “show” so to speak. I would just offer a counter position which addresses the “why would THEY allow this on TV” with “they” being an ever nebulous concept. Perhaps it’s because “they” don’t control everything and even if a cohesive “they” exists, they operate often on the margins or in specific ventures. The writer of this show looks like he had a solid career as a author, mostly novelist, with a few movie credits decades later, but are we to assume that he’s part of the so-called cabal? It strikes me as far more reasonable that suspicions/fears like this about the media control of our world were circling in the 1960s and he was acting as a conduit with this work. I’ve often contemplated how much space skepticism there might have been in the 1960s and how that could have played a large role in necessitating the Apollo missions, which had to have been viewed as a fairly gigantic risk (I tend to think we’ll never see something like it again, perhaps though in large part because anyone with eyes can see how poorly relying on special effects of an era can age within only a generation).
Don’t worry, this is totally legit. I do miss the sparklers on the modern SpaceX spacecraft, you’d think that Elon could afford it, they’re a nice touch.
The same with nuclear weaponry (which I make no claims to the veracity of either way, though there are certainly aspects of the bombings in WW2 that raise questions). Although the internet has made proliferation of fringe opinions more accessible, it does not mean that it wholesale invented them. Additionally, I do believe the average person was a bit sharper and perhaps a bit more skeptical in eras past. So it’s unsurprising that there would have been people who noted the control via fear that the h bomb and the like presented and smelled a bit of deception.
This episode was one of a couple hundred in the series on a network with lots of other “programming” to attend to. I don’t accept that any powers that be have to be either capable or interested in micromanaging every minute of television. At some point, it’s imagining conspiracies too large to be functional in a variety of ways. As to why this one survived, again, it could be an indication of exactly the opposite of totalitarian control… it could be that parties sympathetic to the ideas expressed in this show who worked for the BBC wanted to keep this one around. Or it’s simple happenstance.
None of what I said is to dismiss conspiracies or parties that which to control the direction of the world at large. They do exist, but when we ascribe a monolithic agenda with near omnipotence, I think we are doing them a favor and ourselves a massive disservice. The vast majority of the people in the entertainment industry are creatives led by management who tries to mind the bottom line (even for a non-profit like the BBC). The propaganda stick is what stirs the drink, not the drink itself. Much of what is often attributed to grand conspiracies are functions of the systems we have all played a role in building, which are a reflection of human nature. This as always strikes me as a more reasonable and realistic assessment of how the world works as opposed to a singular vision leading us into darkness.
All of what I wrote above was met with the following comment:
In answer to your question “ why would they show this?” Some suggest that in order for their programming/spell to work the nebulous “they” need our consent. The revelation of the method is used for our consent, so karmically “they” can claim they let everyone know what was happening and we agreed to the deception.
I’m aware of that assertion, and personally have no way to validate it. And I think when one starts ascribing specific practices to “they”, that it becomes more important to identify who “they” are. For all to operate under the same belief structure, it implies a level of uniformity. It turns being a “controller-level” individual to being a member of a club, which I know is sort of the popular belief but lacks any real empiricism. Does every PTB just “know” this the standard operating procedure of manipulating the masses and utilizing energy/magic? Or is there an initiation?
Again, I say none of this to dismiss it, there are certainly secret societies that wield power and have their own specific practices. It’s naïve to think otherwise. However, I think it’s equally as naïve to think that literally everything we see is part of someone’s 4D chess. And again, in this case, aside from the vague, counterintuitive, almost meme-like statement of “they gotta tell you to make it work”, there’s no tangible benefit I can see to putting this sort of information out there for the masses. I would even go as far to say that perhaps the real manipulation is floating the idea that everything that touches on truth in the mainstream is sort some of COINTELPRO and that nothing factual ever makes it into the media without passing through a group of controllers. As I said before, this gives those who seek to control us a greater perception of power and influence than they deserve and help to manifest it into reality, utilizing the very people who would stand against them to inadvertently promote “their” omnipotence.
All of this may seem a little off the beaten trail of stolen history, but I find it interesting that those who are able to identify deceptions and conspiracies often times want to correlate them all together into some sort of Grand Unified Theory. It is yet another reminder to me on why we must take every event on a case-by-case basis or else we end up finding ourselves fighting invincible, immortal Illuminati lizard-men. Which, in fairness and as far as I know, maybe we are, but I think we need to exhaust all the more mundane possibilities first or be provided with a lot more concrete evidence.
The frequent bragging could be explained by an "antifragility" logic - if an effort was made to actually hide the "stage," then there would be a risk of everyone simultaneously seeing it for the first time at once. Instead, everyone sees it all the time and sees everyone else seeing it and not doing anything about it, and learns to just stop looking. Eyes on the road. Tune out the peripheral. You really do just start to believe that the glimpses of the stage were functionally your imagination.
It's hard for me to buy into a "the brag as taking credit for whatever is happening anyway" model, even if it's obviously simpler, as 1) there seemingly has to be at least some blending, (9-11, though it was covered with obvious tells, still required actual conspiracy) 2) so much of "everyone" is directly adjacent to the stage that the cliched "conspiracies are impossible, someone would talk" trope has no real foundation.
These days it's easy to look at the stage without the old dissonance. All sorts of obvious brags show up. Funny about the Bomb Trutherism, I didn't know that was a thing until recently; I thought I had just come up with that on my own in February but probably had the idea seeded in my head from online.
Pretty sure most satellites and non-moon missions were/are real. Maybe not Skylab